SHOUP RANCH TEXAS             


Member American Institute of Architects                     


architecture       land plannIng      projects       artwork      resume

The 1500 acres Shoup Ranch was an abandoned gas field near major metro areas in Texas. The Owner wanted to restore the natural aspects of the site and produce a close knit community of like-minded pilots and businessmen.

The natural areas inventory set the parameters for the housing and commercial layout. An existing airstrip was incorporated to allow direct access to some parcel by plane and helicopter. A small school and energy plant was incorporated in the Land plan.

With Natural Gas available on-site, an energy wise system provides heating and cooling through-out the project. Sewage and water reclamation were a priority with a 10% carbon footprint chosen as a goal.

The central area provides a natural respite for the landscape. Greenways connect the central green space for pedestrian and equestrian access. One area is set aside for a historic landmark (on the Chisholm Trail) visitors center.

This redevelopment project is a vision of the “NEW WEST” that really responds to the client’s specific image and ”green revolution”.